Our Support Groups

The groups you see listed here are the only groups that are still running.  Before the pandemic we had around 17 groups across the country.  Unfortunately, they have proven to be unsustainable, and we are currently looking at other ways of further supporting people living with IBS.

As a small charity with no NHS or government funding we are unable to employ people to be support group leaders.  The groups listed are run by volunteers. Support Group leaders are not able to give specific medical advice about your IBS.  Members can look through the self-care programme and Ask the Experts area on our website for specific advice. 


Do you live in Forest Hill and the surrounding areas? Why not come and attend our brand new support group run by Joanna.

We are currently meeting remotely via Microsoft Team. Please get in touch if you would like to meet with our group virtually – all IBS Network members welcome! Joanna.

Forest Hill Library,Dartmouth Road, Forest Hill, London
SE23 3HZ

1st wednesday every month 6.30pm-7.30pm



Do you live in Leeds/Bradford or surrounding areas? Are you looking to join a support group?

Matthew, one of our members runs a support group.
The meetings are held on a regular basis throughout the year, usually on the second Monday of the month at 7 pm at The Heart Centre in Headingley.

Please find the date and details of the next meeting at http://www.letscureibs.com/

If you would like further information then please email Matthew on matt@letscureibs.com  

The Heart Centre, Bennett Rd, Headingley Leeds,West Yorkshire

Second Monday of each month 7pm

matt@letscureibs.com http://www.letscureibs.com/


The group meets via Zoom; please contact Bronwen on ibs.barnsley@gmail.com for details.

Bronwen has opened up her virtual support group to any member living in the UK.



6pm-7pm then every 3rd Monday of the month
