Entrants to the IBS Network’s Collabro Competition share their top tips for living well with IBS.
1. Be kind to yourself; try to get a work-life balance to help reduce stress and the stress-induced symptoms that can happen.
2. My tip for living well with IBS is yoga. On my bad days breathing exercise helps to calm a trouble tummy. Just before sleep concentrate on inhaling to relax and exhale the discomfort. It has worked for me on many occasions. Definitely recommend and so easy to do.
3. Learn how to happily manage IBS, via The IBS Network and health professionals – you only get one lovely body!
4. I have had loads of tests in my 70 years, finding nothing medically wrong in particular, so feel experienced enough to say that (my) illness comes from the mind first. The brain is a great trainer for better or for worse. Breathing, meditation, aerobic exercise, (for me also the outdoors and nature) and making enough time to switch off is the key.
5. Eat smaller more regular meals rather than three large ones.
6. Keep a record of everything that triggers you and if you stay regularly with family or friends give them a list of your triggers and be honest with them about your condition so they are able to be supportive.
7. I find it’s a case of identifying the triggers and avoiding them where possible. Stress/nerves also increase symptoms, so try to relax and remain calm about situations.
8. Stress is a factor so I do try and chill. Smaller meals have helped me, little and often.
9. Once you establish your sensitivities then stick to your guns, even if friends and family put pressure on you to try things that will set you off. You will feel so much better without triggers in your system.
10. Learn and understand how best to manage the disorder, identify what makes it worse by keeping a diary. Reduce symptoms by appropriate diet, drinking water, relaxation, exercise and medication discussed with GP. Due to the nature of its symptoms it can be isolating so ensure you have support.
The IBS Network team shortlisted the top 10 tips before putting the names of the finalists into a hat and drawing the winners at random.
Information about the competition winners is available here.