
What are the symptoms of IBS?

When people think of irritable bowel syndrome, they usually assume it only affects the bowel and stomach, but IBS can affect much more than just your gut. The really characteristic symptoms of IBS are abdominal pain and altered bowel habit. For some that might mean constipation, or IBS-C, while...

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Self-Care Week Series: Learning to Love Food Again

When food can send you rushing to the toilet or cause griping abdominal pain, it can be easy to develop a negative relationship. Those with IBS often have to avoid certain triggers, so eating out or cooking can be tricky. But once you have a better understanding of your triggers and are...

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Self-Care Week Series: Managing Stress

While different foods and treatments may work differently depending on your IBS, the one thing everyone with IBS can do to minimise symptoms is to manage stress. The vagus nerve directly connects the gut and the brain. When you’re feeling stressed more messages from the gut reach the brain,...

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Self-Care Week Series: Trying Different IBS Treatments

Treating IBS isn’t as simple as taking a pill; it’s a combination of considering diet, lifestyle and sometimes medication to help control symptoms. What makes it even trickier is that the condition varies so much between individuals; what works for one person might not work for...

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Self-Care Week Series: Trying Different Diets

Some of the most frequent questions we get here at The IBS Network are “What should I eat?”, “Can you send me a list of foods?”. Though they might seem like easy questions, unfortunately there’s not a simple answer. IBS varies so much from person to person that what might be a trigger...

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Stress & IBS: What’s the link and why does it matter?

From little everyday things to major life events, stress is a part of life. It’s also one of the three main causes of IBS, and for many people with IBS stress can trigger for an IBS flare up. For National Stress Awareness Day, we’re taking a look at the different types of stress, the ways in...

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Brain or Gut: Who’s in charge?

“But last time I ate this I was fine!” —is something we regularly hear from people living with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). For those trying to figure out their trigger foods and manage their symptoms, it can sometimes be so confusing; one day a certain food is fine, the next they’re...

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