Is your company or organisation interested in gaining insights into the effective management of IBS in the workplace and reducing absenteeism as a result of this long-term condition?

If the answer is yes, then we’re here to offer you an engaging one-hour online lunchtime seminar tailor-made for your workplace. The session will delve into the fundamentals of IBS, its telltale symptoms, and ways of creating an IBS friendly work environment to ensure employees can manage their IBS while at work.

Our seminars foster an environment of open dialogue among colleagues within a safe setting (with the option to turn off cameras). Supervisors and managers will discover how to provide optimal support to their team and colleagues living with this condition. Everyone involved will gain the confidence to address this sensitive, and sometimes, embarrassing condition. Additionally, the seminar can be recorded for future reference on your company’s intranet.

Why not ask your manager, H.R. or occupational health department to schedule a session at your workplace?

For more details, please don’t hesitate to contact us at