I CAN…campaign for IBS Awareness Month in April
6th April 2022

I CAN…campaign for IBS Awareness Month in April

April is IBS Awareness Month and it’s a time when we step up our efforts to raise awareness of IBS and how to live well with the condition.

This year, we are launching a new campaign, encouraging members of our community to celebrate all the things they can still do and all the things they can try, which will improve their mental and physical health.

We hear from people every day who start by saying, ‘I can’t…’. They can’t go out, eat out, go to work, see friends, or enjoy their hobbies because of their IBS.

We are encouraging our community to try and think differently, exploring what they CAN still achieve. We’re keen to see what effect this has on mindset and managing their IBS.

Taking action, making a change, or changing an attitude or belief are all great ways to improve mental health and keep depression, stress, anxiety and frustration at bay, which, in turn, can help ease IBS symptoms.

The focus of week one is about establishing the right mindset. We look at the psychological challenges of living with a long-term condition like IBS and suggest ways for our community to change their mindset to help change how they live with the condition.

We know it’s not easy or straightforward, but with the right support, we believe that it is possible.

Throughout April, we’ll be celebrating all the things that members of our network can still do. We’ll be sharing advice, information, interviews, competitions and more. Look out for our campaign updates through email and on social media.


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