Sour dough bread
7th April 2025

Sour dough bread

Making bread is a deeply satisfying and mindful activity that relaxes and calms. Spelt bread has a beautiful open texture, a wonderful nutty flavour and great toasting and keeping qualities.

It is better tolerated by people with IBS, especially if it is made by the sourdough method. Making sour dough requires attention to detail and patience but does not take a lot of hands-on time once you get into it. Sourdough bread contains only three ingredients: flour, salt, and water. The natural yeasts and lactobacilli and the long proving time break down the fructo-oligosaccharides in the dough so that less are available to be fermented in your body. To make the bread rise you need to make a starter. It will take five days for the starter to mature but the actual hands on time is only a few minutes. The starter will keep indefinitely, provided you look after it, and it performs better the older it is.


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